30th May 2018

Practise Film analysis

In the critically acclaimed film ‘Minority Report’ by Steven Spielberg, we see the use of the two cinematography techniques of camera angles and lighting to further portray the dystopian society.

The scene gives an insight into the daily lives of people and the conditions that they live in. The camera follows the spiders movement as they search the building from an above angle shot. This also shows the effect that the government has on life with everyone coming to a standstill with the arrival of the spiders; arguments cease, sex is suspended, normalities are forgotten for the time that the spiders are in ones dwelling. Director Steven Spielberg uses sounds to enhance the viewers experience with non-diegetic orchestral music playing in the background, this is ominously sounding to generate a feeling of uncertainty at Johns fate. This is paired with drum beats as the scene intensifies to create suspense whilst the spiders get closer to capturing John. When at a climax in the scene all sound disappears before reentering via a burst of an air bubble upon his discovery, the orchestral music starts again at a new increased tempo.

Steven Spielberg also uses lighting techniques to portray the impact of the spiders on day to day life. Their is a significant difference in the light of the outside world with that inside the building. This bad quality lighting reflects the bad quality of life that the inhabitants of the apartments have. The spiders themselves blend in with this darkness The tint of blue is apparent throughout the entire film and this does not change inside. This enhances the technological side of the spiders and the world that they live in. The blue presents life as viewed differently from how we know it, making it seem more reliant on technology on every aspect, like it is a constant in life, whereas we occasionally experience the world not through the eyes of technology.

lighting – blue lights, flashing, low, shows the low quality of life

Join the conversation! 1 Comment

  1. A good start, Alex. Above angle shot = overhead shot, ensure you are using the correct terminology


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